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Shortcode classic editor

From Virtual To Reality How Digital Twins Shape the Future of Railway Management

In recent years, the railway industry has been undergoing a digital revolution, transforming the way railways are managed and operated.

Smart Manufacturing: Melding Digital and Physical Worlds

Smart manufacturing blends digital technologies with the physical realm to achieve greater efficiency and accelerate innovation.

Karta Fortnite Studio Launches, Eyes Rightsholder Partnerships

Metaverse developer Karta has launched a Fortnite studio that’s set to spearhead partnerships with music rightsholders and others.

Windup Minds raises $1.6M to build virtual pets in VR and MR

Windup Minds raised $1.6 million in pre-seed funding for a game studio focused on virtual pet games in virtual reality and mixed reality.

From Virtual To Reality How Digital Twins Shape the Future of Railway Management

Smart Manufacturing: Melding Digital and Physical Worlds

Karta Fortnite Studio Launches, Eyes Rightsholder Partnerships

Windup Minds raises $1.6M to build virtual pets in VR and MR

Smart content

Is NVIDIA doing Intel better than Intel?

Christopher Caen

Years ago I worked for a start up that had Intel Ventures as one of our investors. During a break in board meeting I was chatting with the Intel board member and I asked him what was Intel’s secret to their success. Mind you, this was when Intel was in full power and one of […]

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