In Los Angeles, a dynamic production studio named WORKPRODUCT has emerged onto the scene, orchestrated by the collaborative efforts of Yates Holley and John Kim. With an emphasis on cutting-edge technology, this innovative studio endeavors to unify a spectrum of boutique VFX and Animation Studios, live-action directors, and sound experts from across the globe.
Helmed by VFX veteran Yates Holley and creative director John Kim, WORKPRODUCT aims to forge a path at the intersection of technology and creativity. With its base in Los Angeles, the studio assembles a multidisciplinary ensemble of artists specializing in visual effects, animation, design, and live action, poised to craft impactful global brand campaigns.
In a show of diversity, WORKPRODUCT proudly represents an array of ten boutique VFX studios, animation collectives, and individual directors spanning regions like the US, Europe, and Australia. This creative amalgamation is tailored to offer a spectrum of services, ranging from strategic brand ideation to end-to-end content production, encompassing visual effects and the creation of immersive experiences.
The studio’s notable roster includes esteemed names such as VFX and animation studios Rocketlab and Proper, animation studios Yatta Studio and Papaton, automotive visualization studio Rideview, audio collective Dynamite Laser Beam, along with directors Matt Boman, Tommy Wooh, Blackmilk, Maciek Sokalski, and Warcat.
Yates Holley, also a managing executive producer and founding partner, shared insights about their pioneering approach, stating, “Our goal in developing Workproduct was to create a diverse roster of creative talent and a flexible business model that allows us to morph our services and build bespoke creative teams for a huge range of brand client challenges.” Holley continued, “From the ideation stage to the final post, we can draw on this rich roster of individuals and creative studios to offer creative support at any scale. We wanted to expand on the traditional production company model and represent a team that spans various disciplines – from visual effects and animation to live-action and immersive entertainment. We are here to break the rules and take risks along the way.”
The founding partner John Kim, whose extensive experience extends into the agency realm, adds a valuable dimension to WORKPRODUCT. Kim’s expertise, particularly in serving prestigious automotive brands like Toyota, Mazda, Kia, and Lexus, aligns well with the studio’s vision. Kim is also the mastermind behind the specialized collective Rideview, devoted to producing photorealistic CGI and real-time content for the automotive industry.
WORKPRODUCT’s launch marks a stride toward innovation, with its fusion of technology, artistry, and diverse expertise poised to redefine the creative landscape.
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