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The Fate of Metaverse Postulated by Harvard Business School


The recent surge of generative AI has cast a shadow over the metaverse, once hailed as a revolutionary technology promising an alternate reality. The transition to living within it, however, remains uncertain. Mark Zuckerberg’s transformation of Facebook into Meta reflects his belief in this concept, yet realizing this dream faces several obstacles. Moreover, the anticipated proliferation of the virtual realm has yet to materialize.

The Metaverse: A Vision Eluding Grasp OpenAI’s ChatGPT made headlines as the world’s most downloaded app, overshadowing the metaverse—an immersive 3D technology that once captured imaginations with boundless possibilities. Recent developments, however, suggest a diversion from its intended course.

According to a Harvard Business School (HBS) case study, the pendulum of metaverse enthusiasm has swung toward skepticism in 2023. Contributing factors include significant layoffs within prominent tech firms and reduced funding for virtual reality advancement.

Co-authored by HBS Associate Professor Andy Wu, David B. Yoffie, Max and Doris Starr Professor of International Business Administration, and Matt Higgins, Senior Researcher at HBS California Research Center, the study emphasizes the metaverse’s unfulfilled evolution. It acknowledges the technology’s transformative potential to reshape industries, companies, and society, while recognizing that initial developmental hurdles must be surmounted.

However, the metaverse faces crucial questions. Will it foster an open, interoperable virtual domain akin to today’s internet? Or will it become a controlled 3D universe dominated by one or multiple corporations, reminiscent of mobile operators managing networks? Perhaps it might resemble “Ready Player One,” where one entity dominates all.

The Anticipated Arrival of the Metaverse Industry voices have echoed for a decade that the metaverse is perpetually “one year or five years away.” This continuous postponement compels the HBS study to assert that the definitive arrival date remains elusive. Although foundational concepts exist, the requisite technology remains veiled in the future.

Various sectors extensively employ virtual reality technology today. Construction utilizes it to showcase dream homes, offering potential buyers a glimpse. In the medical field, this technology enhances understanding of illnesses. Gaming companies like Minecraft and Roblox deliver immersive experiences using VR. The HBS study underlines, “We still haven’t seen what that killer app is going to be for the metaverse. It is like we are trying to talk about the internet, but email hasn’t been invented yet.”

While Apple’s Vision Pro offers an immersive VR encounter, it does not position itself as a gateway to the metaverse. Additionally, the current technology is yet to evolve sufficiently to realize the promised virtual world. At present, individuals partake in metaverse events, relishing Snoop Dogg concerts from their homes and engaging in immersive games.