AjnaLens, an XR startup based in India, has introduced its latest products – the AjnaXR PRO and AjnaXR SE Mixed Reality headsets, which are set to debut on August 15, 2023.
The launch of the AjnaXR PRO and AjnaXR SE represents a notable milestone in AjnaLens’ journey of innovation. These headsets are poised to bring changes to the immersive technology landscape. The AjnaXR PRO is equipped with a dual 2.1-inch display featuring a resolution of 4560 x 2280. With 256GB of storage and a powerful 5500mAh battery, users can experience extended periods of uninterrupted immersion.
The launch event, held at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai, gathered speakers from various fields. Esteemed individuals witnessed the unveiling of these groundbreaking products, highlighting AjnaLens’ dedication to pushing technological boundaries and creating products aligned with evolving societal needs.
Mr. Abhijit Patil, Co-founder and COO of AjnaLens, emphasized the transformative potential of these devices, stating, “At AjnaLens, we envision a future where technology enhances society and helps us achieve more. Our AjnaXR SE and AjnaXR PRO devices represent steps toward that future. They underscore our commitment to expanding possibilities in training, learning, and human development, showcasing India’s innovation globally. Our goal is to revolutionize learning and skill development, aligning with our objective of fostering a skill-oriented approach for every individual in India.”
Beyond hardware, AjnaLens offers a range of empowering platforms. AjnaVidya, their flagship offering, is an XR ecosystem reshaping learning through AR/VR potential. It offers immersive training and upskilling experiences for professionals and businesses, driving growth and proficiency.
For developers, Ajna Developer Hub (ADH) provides essential SDKs, APIs, Documentation, and Tutorials, enabling them to craft immersive content and experiences. Ajna Publisher Hub empowers creators with insights and analytics, delivering real-time data on performance, engagement metrics, and market trends.
Users can access XR tools and content on internet-connected devices through Ajna Workstation, a cloud-based computing service overcoming device limitations.
Ajna Talent Platform serves as a premier avenue for showcasing XR content and portfolios, connecting creators with companies seeking XR talent across various industries.
AjnaLens’ journey extends beyond immersive technology, aiming to redefine possibilities and inspire a future where boundaries are opportunities. These advancements underscore AjnaLens’ commitment to reshaping immersive experiences with a skill-focused approach, contributing to empowerment and progress.
Preorders for AjnaXR Pro and AjnaXR SE are available on their official website, www.ajnalens.com.